Having uninterrupted faith in mercy of God is great achievement of human life

Having uninterrupted faith in mercy of God is great achievement of human life
Losing faith in God is remarkable lose to man

Thursday, August 2, 2007

remover of sorrow

No one knows the God exactly yet many tries to relate him with things that exist on the plane of life and truth,

To elaborate the truth of God which is beyond the faculty of mind and manasa, yet manasa can pitched self on the truth to make a bit of it,

Saints and sages of the ages and eras has elaborate the self in the light of God,

They have found him to be the remover of sorrows and pains at varying junctions of life,

Whatever exist on the plane of joy and sorrow, sole doer is delusive potency of God that Known in the name of Maya yet God is remover of sorrow,

In fact joy and sorrow are two facets of the same entity, tilting effect cause it for one and another, and Maya relates it all well,

Seeker of truth may fall in the pit of falsehood and those on the pathway of falsehood may achieve the path for wisdom is mystic truth of Maya,

There is nothing define unto self of Maya, unpredictable is Maya and her mysterious deeds for life, yet the grace of God is the ray of hope for spirit to rescue self from,

No dissent is discernible unto truth of God as far as it concern with that the God is remover of sorrow resulted from friction of life,

May Lord Bless all

Thanks Please
Fair attitude of man towards the life is path to godwards