Having uninterrupted faith in mercy of God is great achievement of human life

Having uninterrupted faith in mercy of God is great achievement of human life
Losing faith in God is remarkable lose to man

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

features of his kindness unto life

Features of his[god] kindness unto life is unique & numerous, on broad spectrum unlimited to elaborate on the subject concern but few of them as known unto life are as so kind and so great in all respect to call O-my God you are really great.

God is god-soul is soul-illusion is illusion & life is life, all on the board of life on the planet to have so-to feel so-to mean so.

The ocean of compassion
could not be crossed with out cultivating the same feeling.
As of servant cherishes towards his master
god can make animate to inanimate, & inanimate to animate.
Could liberate the feeling of bondage to life on to soul through illusion
could elaborate the truth of life in the heart close to soul.
Protect the life from miserable & suffering.
Help those who seek with true heart to have so.
kind in all respect those true at heart-more than devil for those on the act with all malefic intentions on the self mode only.
always care for his devotes even out of proportion to reach at them with every mode on to life to help them out of their agonies & sufferings is the basic profile of god time tested, spoken from the saints & seers, above all cone out like a glowering sun from the history of planet.
Let us be under the kind shadow of his mercy to have a bright pace of life.

Please thanks